HND ventures is the company-building industry. We have a track record of using relationships to establish teams, recruit partners and customers, and ultimately grow billion-dollar businesses together. We are engaged partners who go above and above for our businesses and haven’t forgotten how to hustle.

We work with excellent entrepreneurs who are committed to building long-term businesses. We offer advice and sometimes assist in the refinement of business plans. We enjoy collaborating to make something decent into something extraordinary.

When good isn’t enough, as a global venture capital firm HND ventures assists you in thinking outside the box and breaking the rules. Every firm faces critical decisions, such as whether to accept a term or lose a customer, whether to terminate a product line or keep it on the market, and whether to make a significant hiring move. Most of these errors have been made before. Now we can assist you or identify someone in our network who can assist you in deciding what to do.

HND ventures would rather be brutally honest than courteous. In our board roles, we rarely vote against management teams, although we might have strong opinions. We’ll test you without actually facing you. We don’t second-guess a management team once we’ve chosen one. We’re here to help you establish a business, not just speak about it. We are not interested in gaining control of your company.

We are attracted to enormous challenges that can be solved with technology. We look for unfair advantages such as proprietary and protected technical advancements, business model breakthroughs, one-of-a-kind partnerships, and top-notch teams.

By definition, startups are riskier than their larger, more established competitors. The nature of startups, however, makes launching huge, capital-intensive ventures extremely challenging. Instead, we seek out short innovation cycles with immediate proof points and outcomes.

Our objective at HND ventures is to use branding to develop, explain, and establish business growth potential. we work with known and new Indian enterprises to provide funds for short- and long-term advertising solutions and brand building needs.

HND ventures portfolio management arm, Portfolio Growth & Exits, adds value beyond media capital by assisting portfolio firms in growing. The Portfolio Growth & Exits team is involved in both growing and harvesting individual portfolio firms to take them to the next level, as well as strategic planning and driving exits.

Entrepreneurs who join HND ventures not only get the benefits of the investment model they choose, but they also get the full support of the Portfolio Growth & Exits team for value addition throughout the growth journey in a variety of ways, such as strategic business interventions, facilitating business synergy within other portfolio companies, assistance in planning and raising funds, and or strategic partnerships both domestically and globally.

HND ventures branding skills and intellectual capital assist entrepreneurs in navigating the complexities of the advertising industry, assisting them in developing and implementing effective corporate branding strategies that lead to increased revenue and enterprise value.

Along with Portfolio initiatives and accelerators, HND ventures provide a variety of investment models and outreach programs. The majority of our brands are category leaders, and we now have the country’s largest captive customer group.